Hilary had just put the Mitchell twins to sleep. She went downstairs and went to the kitchen to take some cookies, Thats when she realised there were 5 cookies instead of the 13. Someone must have been in the house.
While staring at the cookies, Hilary realized that there was a water puddle on the floor. It was raining outside so there was a person inside.
Hilary immediately got frightened and started panicking. She took a knife to protect herself and the twins.
As she tried to escape, the intruder saw her!!!
Hilary quickly dropped the knife and ran up the stairs while the intruder called for her and followed
Hilary quickly ran to the twins room.
She quickly entered and started sealing the doors.
As the intruder followed, he started squishing into the floor. They or Them got him because he didnt perform the ritual
To Hilarys surprise, it turns out theres another intruder.
The second intruder called for his squished friend and went upstairs.
Oh no! Theres someone inside the house!
What will I do. Theres someone inside and im so scared.
Girly! Girly! Girly! Come over here
Whats Happening?
Close the door and seal it!
Hes gone. They got him because he didnt do the ritual
Hey Dave! Where are you?
Well thats weird, there were 13 cookie's. Those twins! No its impossible, it couldnt have been them