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French Revolution from the old Regime

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French Revolution from the old Regime
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  • Once Upon a time back in the really old days in France they had really poor harvests in 1788-1789. So it lasted for a year which led to high bread prices, and unemployment was hurting France. There was this guy named Louis XVI and he was in deep dept so he had no money he was broke. The unequal Estates system divided people by three classes. The church, the nobility and the 3rd estate which included the bourgeoisie. 
  • Where are all the crops? 
  • Then Gov't indebtedness led Louis XVI to call the meeting off the Estates general, for 1st time since 1614. Which by now the Gov't was in debt crisis due to war and excess spending. Something that was not fair was voting in Estates was by order, which meant Third Estate was always outvoted. And King Louis XVI tried to persuade nobles to pay more taxes, but the nobles refused. #rd Estate then walked out of meeting and met in near by tennis court, forming a new constitution in 1791. 
  • I have no money I'm broke, What am I going to do? 
  • Next the National Assembly drafted a Declaration of rights (1789) that guaranteed liberty and equality. The constitution of 1791 established a limited monarchy with an assembly that made laws and approved or rejected war appropriations. Then the 1st Estate or clergy lost its privileges and power, forfeiting lands, money and authority. In 1792 Louis XVI tried to escape which then was forever held under close surveillance. Also monarchies in Austria and Prussia attacked revolutionary France. 
  • were in war 
  • Also when France was being invaded by neighboring monarchies, a terror gripped the nation. rumors spread that king Louis's royalist supporters were being released from prison which led to the September massacres of prisoners. Which then Louis XVI and the royal family were arrested and tried for treason. Which that trails and executions killed 30,000 counter revolutionaries Robespierre was also killed.
  • I hate being a prisoner.
  • Second but not lastly Napoleon attacked Egypt, Sardinia, and Italy, meanwhile reforming their gov'ts based upon Enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality. Also Napoleon came up with a Napoleonic code which the Napoleonic code gave all French citizens the same rights. However, the news laws took away many individual rights won during the Revolution. Which means sudden takeover of a government.
  • I hate court and these dumb laws.
  • Finally Napoleon was defeated at Warloo in early 1815, shortly after the French had invited Louis XVIII to rule as a constitutional  king. Also Britain crafted a successful peace was established, and a limited monarchy was restored in France. And Europe was forever transformed by liberty, equality, and rule of law.
  • YESSSS We won the War.
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