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Planovi Lekcija iz Snova Ivanjske Noći

This unique tale blends humor, fantasy, and romance into one enthralling play. Written by Shakespeare around 1595, A Midsummer Night's Dream has become a favorite of many actors and lovers of theater. It features devious fairies, young people in love, and a play within a play.

Despite being one of Shakespeare's most popular works, A Midsummer Night's Dream can be a tough play to follow. It contains four plots, and as Puck's work unfolds, things can get a little strange. With the help of these activities, your students will master this comedy and become pros with Shakespeare!

Studentske aktivnosti za San Ivanjske Noći

Essential Questions for A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. What are the different types of love? Could you list them?
  2. Would you go against your family to follow your heart?
  3. What are the qualities that make a good friend?
  4. Consider illusions and reality.
    • What do we need to see with our own eyes to believe, and what do we believe without seeing?
    • What do we see, but not believe?
    • How does this translate to our actions when we are in love?
    • We cannot touch love, or taste love, or even see love; how does the illusion of love create our reality?

A Midsummer Night's Dream Summary

A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare is a fanciful comedy centered around Puck (also called Robin Goodfellow), a magical fairy-like creature. The play begins with the Duke of Athens preparing to wed the Queen of the Amazons. During preparations for the festival, two young men, Demetrius, and Lysander meet a young nobleman’s daughter, Hermia. Both men fall in love with her, but her father only gives her permission to marry Demetrius. However, it is Lysander that Hermia loves. She makes plans to run away with Lysander and tells her best friend, Helena. Unbeknownst to Hermia, Helena is in love with Demetrius, and plans to tell him in hopes of winning him over.

Meanwhile, Puck is sent on a quest by Oberon, King of the Fairies, to find a magical Cupid-like flower so that he can punish Titania, the Queen of the Fairies, and force her to give him a changeling for his servant. When the flower is sprinkled on a sleeping person's eyelids, they will fall desperately in love with the first thing they see when they wake up. Puck uses the flower on Titania, who wakes up to see a hapless basket-weaver and actor, Bottom, whose face has been turned into that of a donkey. Due to the mischievous nature of fairies, issues again arise when Puck tries to intervene with the predicaments of Hermia, Helena, Demetrius, and Lysander, who have all run away to the forest. After sprinkling dust in each of the men's eyes, they both fall in love with Helena, forgetting Hermia. This creates intense jealousy between the women, and renewed rivalry between the men, who challenge each other to a fight to win Helena.

After some time, Puck is forced to fix his mistakes. However, while rectifying things, Demetrius truly falls in love with Helena. At this time, the Duke of Athens arrives, finding the lovers in the woods, and is told the story. He insists that they are all wed during his wedding ceremony. After the wedding, Bottom's troupe performs a comical version of a play, Pyramus and Thisbe. In the end, only Puck remains on stage. He begs the audiences' forgiveness for his embarrassing mistakes and prays everyone remembers the play as if it were only a dream.

Don’t Let the Fun Stop! Check Out Our Other Lesson Plan Ideas

  1. This play actually contains FOUR plots! Track what the plots are, and when they intersect. Storyboard these four plots and track how they come together.
  2. Depict 50 lines from a scene as a storyboard.
  3. In a group, read about Pyramus and Thisbe, or the story of Theseus, and create storyboards to present to the class that demonstrate an understanding of the references to these stories in the play.
  4. Visually depict a major soliloquy or monologue from the play.

Kako Shakespearea Učiniti Dostupnijim Mladim Čitateljima


Imajte Politiku bez Straha

Ponekad su učenici toliko zabrinuti oko riječi Shakespeare da ne žele ni ući u predstavu jer misle da je preteška. Samo osigurajte učenicima da postoji MNOGO toga što mogu razumjeti i naporno radite kako biste uspostavili te veze s njima.


Objasnite Predstave Terminima Primjerenim Dobi

Učenicima može biti teško razumjeti Shakespeareov jezik, stoga posvetite neko vrijeme razjašnjavanju ideja učenicima. Možete im pomoći da se angažiraju u tekstu, a onda ih može ponijeti njihov entuzijazam.


Dopustite učenicima da razmišljaju pomoću Storyboards

Učenici najbolje uče radeći, a ploče scenarija izvrstan su način da aktiviraju učenje. Promatrajući elemente priče kroz objektiv slika i opisa, učenici su u mogućnosti rastaviti teške ideje na koncepte kojima se lakše upravlja.

Često postavljana pitanja o Snu ljetne noći Williama Shakespearea

Zašto je važno da studenti proučavaju Williama Shakespearea?

Neki ljudi misle da Shakespeare može biti pretežak za učenike, ali čitanje Shakespearea podučavat će mlade ljude o ljudskom stanju. Shakespeareove drame pune su ljubavi i mržnje, života i smrti i svega između. Osim što su dobro napisane drame koje treba proučavati, one će učiti učenike kako da budu ljudi.

Što je solilokvij?

Solilokvij je govor koji lik govori sam na pozornici, a koji nudi uvid u misli i osjećaje tog lika, te druge elemente predstave. Shakespeare koristi solilokvije kako bi dublje zaronio u pozadinu, emocije itd.

Kako San ljetne noći prikazuje iluzije naspram stvarnosti?

San Ivanjske noći ima četiri različite linije priče, a baš kao što naslov implicira, jedna od glavnih radnji bavi se snovima i stvarnošću. Radnjom likova Shakespeare pokazuje da stvari nisu uvijek onakve kakvima se čine!

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