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Predložak i Upute za Razred
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Pregled Aktivnosti

Having students choose a favorite quote or scene from the book allows them to express which parts of the story resonated with them on a personal level. In this way, students are making a text-to-self connection that demonstrates their understanding of the characters and their development or the themes of the novel. Students can share their storyboards afterwards and have a short discussion about what the quotes mean to them.

Some students may end up choosing the same quote, but have different perspectives. This is always interesting for students to see and can open up a discussion as to how not everyone can read the same lines in the same way based on their own perspectives and personal experiences.

Examples of Quotes from The War That Saved My Life

“I understood. In all my life I’d never hurt Jamie. I’d never hit him, not once. Now I’d become like Mam.”

“Up. Grab the chair. Steady myself. Step forward. Fall down. Up. Try again.”

“When things got really bad I could go away inside my head. I’d always been able to do it. I could be anywhere, on my chair or in the cabinet, and I wouldn’t be able to see anything or hear anything or even feel anything. I would just be gone.”

“You can’t leave. You never will. You’re stuck here, right here in this room, bombs or no.”

“I don't know what to say," she said, after a pause. "I don't want to tell you a lie, and I don't know the truth." It was maybe the most honest thing anyone had ever said to me."

“I wanted to say a lot of things, but, as usual, I didn't have the words for the thoughts inside my head.”

“Then I did what I should have done to start with. I taught myself to walk.”

“It was us, I thought. Jamie and me. We had fallen down a rabbit hole, fallen into Susan’s house, and nothing made sense, not at all, not anymore.”

“After that it was easy. It was the most impossible thing I’d ever done, but it was also easy. I held on to Jamie, and I kept moving forward.”

“I stared at the paper. I said, “This isn’t reading. This is drawing.” “Writing,” she corrected. “It’s like buttons and hems. You’ve got to learn those before you can sew on the machine. You’ve got to know your letters before you can read.” I suppose so, but it was boring. When I said so she got up again and wrote something along the bottom of the paper. “What’s that?” I asked. “‘Ada is a curmudgeon,’' she replied. “Ada is a curmudgeon,” I copied at the end of my alphabet. It pleased me."

“And even if it felt like Mam hated me, she had to love me, didn’t she? She had to love me, because she was my mam, and Susan was just somebody who got stuck taking care of Jamie and me because of the war.”

“Victory,' she said, 'means peace.”

“Somehow Christmas was making me feel jumpy inside. All this talk about being together and being happy and celebrating - it felt threatening. Like I shouldn't be part of it. Like I wasn't allowed. And Susan wanted me to be happy, which was scarier still.”

“But now, thinking back, it seemed a little silly to be unhappy about a dress when the pilots were dead. If I had it to do over, I would at least have learned their names.”

“I wanted Mam to be like Susan. I didn’t really trust Susan not to be like Mam.”

“You feel safer in your bedroom, but you’re actually much safer in the shelter.” It didn’t matter how I felt. She made me go into the shelter every time the sirens wailed. Men came and removed all the signposts from the roads around the village, so that when Hitler invaded he wouldn’t know where he was. When he invaded, we were to bury our radio. Jamie had already dug a hole for it in the garden. When Hitler invaded we were to say nothing, do nothing to help the enemy. If he invaded while I was out riding, I was to return home at once, as fast as possible by the shortest route. I’d know it was an invasion, not an air raid, because all the church bells would ring.

“I didn’t know what to do. Susan was temporary. My foot was permanent.”

“I don't want to just survive”

“I wasn’t relaxed. I was wearing the green dress. I’d put it on when I came in from seeing Butter, because I knew it would please Susan, and it did. She brushed my hair and let it hang loose, tying my new green ribbon around my head. “That’s an Alice ribbon,” she said. “The girl in your book, Alice, she wears her hair like that.” I felt like an imposter. It was worse than when I tried to talk like Maggie. Here I was, looking like Maggie. Looking like a shiny bright girl with hair ribbons. Looking like a girl with a family that loved her.”

“Saying something stupid doesn't make you stupid,” Susan said. “Luckily for all of us.”

“One step, I thought. One step at a time.”

Predložak i Upute za Razred Accordion Arrow

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Datum dospijeća:

Cilj: Stvoriti ploču priča koja identificira vaš omiljeni citat ili scenu u Ratu koji mi je spasio život . Ilustrirajte svoj citat i napišite što vam znači.

Upute za studente:

  1. Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
  2. Odaberite omiljeni citat ili scenu iz rata koji mi je spasio život .
  3. Stvorite sliku koja predstavlja ovaj citat koristeći odgovarajuće scene, likove i predmete.
  4. U okvir za opis napišite citat i barem jednu rečenicu o tome što vam ovaj citat znači.
  5. Spremite i pošaljite svoju priču.

Zahtjevi: Citat ili scena, ilustracija, 1-2 rečenice o tome što vam znači.

Referentni Plan Lekcije

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

Omiljena Scena
Objasnite i ilustrirajte svoju omiljenu scenu iz priče.
7 Points
U Nastajanju
4 Points
1 Points
Obrazloženje scene i zašto je odabrana je jasno iu najmanje dvije rečenice.
Objašnjenje scene i zašto je odabrana može se razumjeti, ali je pomalo nejasno.
Objašnjenje scene i zašto je ona odabrana nejasno je i ne sastoji se od najmanje dvije rečenice.
Ilustracija predstavlja scenu ili objašnjenje koristeći odgovarajuće scene, likove i predmete.
Ilustracija se odnosi na scenu ili objašnjenje, ali ju je teško razumjeti.
Ilustracija nije jasno povezana sa scenom ili objašnjenjem.
Dokazi o Naporu
Rad je dobro napisan i pažljivo osmišljen.
Rad pokazuje neke dokaze truda.
Rad pokazuje malo dokaza o bilo kakvom trudu.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Having students choose a favorite quote or scene from the book allows them to express which parts of the story resonated with them on a personal level. In this way, students are making a text-to-self connection that demonstrates their understanding of the characters and their development or the themes of the novel. Students can share their storyboards afterwards and have a short discussion about what the quotes mean to them.

Some students may end up choosing the same quote, but have different perspectives. This is always interesting for students to see and can open up a discussion as to how not everyone can read the same lines in the same way based on their own perspectives and personal experiences.

Examples of Quotes from The War That Saved My Life

“I understood. In all my life I’d never hurt Jamie. I’d never hit him, not once. Now I’d become like Mam.”

“Up. Grab the chair. Steady myself. Step forward. Fall down. Up. Try again.”

“When things got really bad I could go away inside my head. I’d always been able to do it. I could be anywhere, on my chair or in the cabinet, and I wouldn’t be able to see anything or hear anything or even feel anything. I would just be gone.”

“You can’t leave. You never will. You’re stuck here, right here in this room, bombs or no.”

“I don't know what to say," she said, after a pause. "I don't want to tell you a lie, and I don't know the truth." It was maybe the most honest thing anyone had ever said to me."

“I wanted to say a lot of things, but, as usual, I didn't have the words for the thoughts inside my head.”

“Then I did what I should have done to start with. I taught myself to walk.”

“It was us, I thought. Jamie and me. We had fallen down a rabbit hole, fallen into Susan’s house, and nothing made sense, not at all, not anymore.”

“After that it was easy. It was the most impossible thing I’d ever done, but it was also easy. I held on to Jamie, and I kept moving forward.”

“I stared at the paper. I said, “This isn’t reading. This is drawing.” “Writing,” she corrected. “It’s like buttons and hems. You’ve got to learn those before you can sew on the machine. You’ve got to know your letters before you can read.” I suppose so, but it was boring. When I said so she got up again and wrote something along the bottom of the paper. “What’s that?” I asked. “‘Ada is a curmudgeon,’' she replied. “Ada is a curmudgeon,” I copied at the end of my alphabet. It pleased me."

“And even if it felt like Mam hated me, she had to love me, didn’t she? She had to love me, because she was my mam, and Susan was just somebody who got stuck taking care of Jamie and me because of the war.”

“Victory,' she said, 'means peace.”

“Somehow Christmas was making me feel jumpy inside. All this talk about being together and being happy and celebrating - it felt threatening. Like I shouldn't be part of it. Like I wasn't allowed. And Susan wanted me to be happy, which was scarier still.”

“But now, thinking back, it seemed a little silly to be unhappy about a dress when the pilots were dead. If I had it to do over, I would at least have learned their names.”

“I wanted Mam to be like Susan. I didn’t really trust Susan not to be like Mam.”

“You feel safer in your bedroom, but you’re actually much safer in the shelter.” It didn’t matter how I felt. She made me go into the shelter every time the sirens wailed. Men came and removed all the signposts from the roads around the village, so that when Hitler invaded he wouldn’t know where he was. When he invaded, we were to bury our radio. Jamie had already dug a hole for it in the garden. When Hitler invaded we were to say nothing, do nothing to help the enemy. If he invaded while I was out riding, I was to return home at once, as fast as possible by the shortest route. I’d know it was an invasion, not an air raid, because all the church bells would ring.

“I didn’t know what to do. Susan was temporary. My foot was permanent.”

“I don't want to just survive”

“I wasn’t relaxed. I was wearing the green dress. I’d put it on when I came in from seeing Butter, because I knew it would please Susan, and it did. She brushed my hair and let it hang loose, tying my new green ribbon around my head. “That’s an Alice ribbon,” she said. “The girl in your book, Alice, she wears her hair like that.” I felt like an imposter. It was worse than when I tried to talk like Maggie. Here I was, looking like Maggie. Looking like a shiny bright girl with hair ribbons. Looking like a girl with a family that loved her.”

“Saying something stupid doesn't make you stupid,” Susan said. “Luckily for all of us.”

“One step, I thought. One step at a time.”

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Datum dospijeća:

Cilj: Stvoriti ploču priča koja identificira vaš omiljeni citat ili scenu u Ratu koji mi je spasio život . Ilustrirajte svoj citat i napišite što vam znači.

Upute za studente:

  1. Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
  2. Odaberite omiljeni citat ili scenu iz rata koji mi je spasio život .
  3. Stvorite sliku koja predstavlja ovaj citat koristeći odgovarajuće scene, likove i predmete.
  4. U okvir za opis napišite citat i barem jednu rečenicu o tome što vam ovaj citat znači.
  5. Spremite i pošaljite svoju priču.

Zahtjevi: Citat ili scena, ilustracija, 1-2 rečenice o tome što vam znači.

Referentni Plan Lekcije


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

Omiljena Scena
Objasnite i ilustrirajte svoju omiljenu scenu iz priče.
7 Points
U Nastajanju
4 Points
1 Points
Obrazloženje scene i zašto je odabrana je jasno iu najmanje dvije rečenice.
Objašnjenje scene i zašto je odabrana može se razumjeti, ali je pomalo nejasno.
Objašnjenje scene i zašto je ona odabrana nejasno je i ne sastoji se od najmanje dvije rečenice.
Ilustracija predstavlja scenu ili objašnjenje koristeći odgovarajuće scene, likove i predmete.
Ilustracija se odnosi na scenu ili objašnjenje, ali ju je teško razumjeti.
Ilustracija nije jasno povezana sa scenom ili objašnjenjem.
Dokazi o Naporu
Rad je dobro napisan i pažljivo osmišljen.
Rad pokazuje neke dokaze truda.
Rad pokazuje malo dokaza o bilo kakvom trudu.

Kako koristiti citate iz "Rata koji mi je spasio život" za aktivnosti


Odaberite Ponudu

Zamolite učenike da pažljivo pročitaju priču i odaberu jedan citat koji im je odjeknuo na dubljoj razini i koji smatraju da se može povezati s njihovim životnim iskustvima. Recite učenicima unaprijed da će koristiti citat za nekoliko aktivnosti kao što su pisanje, kritička analiza, slikanje i mnoge druge interaktivne vježbe kako bi učenici mogli odabrati citat u skladu s tim.


Provedite Kritičku Analizu

Pomozite učenicima razumjeti značenje citata i zašto je dao značajan doprinos priči. Pitajte učenike bi li se stvari promijenile da je autor upotrijebio drugačiji stih u glavnoj točki priče. Učenici također mogu uključiti svoje vlastite perspektive i napisati analizu važnosti citata u priči.


Potaknite Kreativno Pisanje

Nakon što su učenici završili s povezivanjem citata s pričom, zamolite ih da napišu vlastitu priču o tome zašto su odabrali baš ovaj citat. Učenici mogu pisati o tome u narativnom formatu ili u formatu kreativnog pisanja priče. Pružite učenicima kreativnu slobodu da sami biraju.


Upotrijebite čl. Tumačenja

Predstavite učenicima pojam likovne interpretacije i zamolite ih da nacrtaju prvo što im padne na pamet nakon čitanja citata. Učitelji mogu dati isti citat cijelom razredu za ovu aktivnost kako bi vidjeli različite interpretacije istog citata.


Razmislite i Raspravljajte

Potaknite učenike da razmisle o svim aktivnostima koje su do sada izvodili i razgovaraju o tome što su naučili iz ovih vježbi. Učenici također mogu dati svoje mišljenje o tome kako žele obavljati ove aktivnosti u budućnosti i postoje li neke druge aktivnosti koje žele raditi, a koje bi mogle pomoći njihovom procesu učenja.

Često postavljana pitanja o citatima iz rata koji mi je spasio život

Kako citati pokazuju Adin razvoj karaktera kroz cijelu priču?

Ada je u početku bila uplašena, sama i oprezna od svih ljudi oko sebe zbog proživljene traume. Kroz njezine riječi čitatelji mogu shvatiti da ona ima nesigurnosti zbog svog invaliditeta i da ne može prepoznati svoju vrijednost. Postupno, uz pomoć Susan Ada počinje shvaćati da ima svako pravo biti sretna i da može živjeti svoj život kako želi.

Kako nastavnici i učenici mogu koristiti izvatke iz knjige za ispitivanje i raspravu u učionici?

Potaknite svoje učenike da ispitaju osjećaje ili misli koje fraza izaziva dok također analiziraju kontekst citata, tko ga je kome rekao i kada. Također mogu razmotriti kako se citat odnosi na temeljne teme priče, likove likova ili narativni razvoj.

Učitelji i učenici nas vole

Cijene za Škole i Okruge

Ponuda za Uvodnu Školu
  • 1 Škola
  • 5 učitelja za jednu godinu
  • 1 sat virtualne PD

30-dnevno jamstvo povrata novca • Samo novi kupci • Puna cijena nakon uvodne ponude • Pristup je za 1 kalendarsku godinu

*(To će započeti s 2 tjedna besplatnog probnog razdoblja - nije potrebna kreditna kartica)život-by-kimberly-brubaker-bradley/tekst-veza
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Sva prava pridržana.
StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a