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Pregled Aktivnosti

Each state in our country has its own unique fun facts that kids will love to discover. For this activity, students will create a 3 cell storyboard that depicts some interesting facts they have learned about Kansas. Here are some examples of fun facts:

  • Kansas is part of Tornado Alley, an area in the central U.S. prone to frequent and severe tornadoes.
  • Kansas is the home of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. You can still see her home in Liberal, Kansas.
  • The graham cracker was named after a Kansas' preacher named Sylvester Graham.
  • Kansas is made up of 88% farmland, and its farms lead the country in wheat production.
  • The first Pizza Hut was founded in Wichita, Kansas in 1958.

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a 3 cell storyboard that describes and illustrates 3 interesting facts about Kansas.

Student Instructions:

  1. Click “Start Assignment”.
  2. Write a fun fact in each heading.
  3. In the description box, write a short summary of each heading.
  4. Create an illustration that represents each heading using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
  5. Save often!

Referentni Plan Lekcije


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

Provođenje Istraživanja
Prezentirajte informacije nakon provedenog istraživanja.
Vješt U Nastajanju Početak
Primjeri su točni, potpuni, dobro organizirani i lako razumljivi.
Primjeri su donekle točni, potpuni, dobro organizirani i lako razumljivi.
Primjeri su netočni, nepotpuni, neorganizirani i teško razumljivi.
Ilustracije prikazuju pisani opis s jasnim vizualnim prikazima odgovarajućih scena, likova, predmeta itd.
Ilustracije prikazuju pisani opis, ali su nejasne ili nepotpune.
Ilustracije nemaju smisla uz pisani opis.
Pravopis i Gramatika
Pravopis i gramatika su uglavnom točni. Pogreške ne stoje na putu razumijevanja.
Pravopis je netočan i otežava potpuno razumijevanje.
Tekst je teško razumljiv.

Atributi Slike
  • 1653877 • Kenneth Carpina • Licenca Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed
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