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The Ballad of Songbird and Sankes: Final Project

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The Ballad of Songbird and Sankes: Final Project
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Location: The Snows' Penthouse
  • Featuring: Coriolanus´s Cousin, Tigris, and his Grandma´am
  • ¨Own It.¨
  • The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes follows an 18-year-old academy student in the Capital of Panem, named Coriolanus Snow. He was selected by one of his professors to be a mentor for the Tenth-Annual Hunger Games for the chance of winning the much-needed University scholarship.
  • The Mentors at the Academy met the twenty-four tributes by watching the Reaping Ceremony in the Auditorium. The tribute that stood out the most happened to be Coriolanus tribute, Lucy Gray from District Twelve. By giving a spontaneous and rebellious singing performance that infuriated the District Twelve Mayor and Peacekeepers.
  • Coriolanus wanted to be ahead of the competition and figured he could do that by being the only mentor to welcome their tribute to the Capital. Not long into introducing themselves to one another, when they and the other tributes were forced into a truck that drove them to their housing. As they arrived, The Capital news and a crowd were already there trying to catch a first glimpse of the tributes. Coriolanus's face turned red from embarrassment and regret, as he realized the housing was the Monkey Exhibit at the Zoo.
  • Around 30 Minutes Later. . . .
  • Thanks to Lucy Gray, her suggestion at the Zoo prevented Coriolanus from looking like a fool. Instead, her singing performance charmed the whole crowd. The next stop the Peacekeepers drove Coriolanus to was The Academy to meet Gamemaker, Dr.Gaul, and Dean Highbottom. Dr. Gaul loved the performance and was very impressed by Coriolanus's idea. Dean Highbottom certainly wasn't impressed and gave Coriolanus a demerit for, ¨engaging in reckless behavior that could have injured a student.¨
  • In the last few days leading up to the Games, Coriolanus continues to give ideas to Dr.Gaul for the event and gains favor from her. Alongside getting to bond and being a good mentor towards Lucy. Yet again, winning the Capital over with an emotional performance at the interview the night before the games.
  • Fourteen tributes remained to fight in the games, which ended up lasting five days. The victor of the games survived their rabid Allie, Dr.Gauls mutated deadly neon snakes, and almost getting stabbed. That victor's name is Lucy Gray with her mentor Coriolanus Snow. Celebration erupted at The Academy until Dean Highbottom requested to see Coriolanus. Their meeting lasted five minutes while Highbottom showed the evidence of how the two cheated. The stained grape punch Academy napkin for sneaking food to Lucy, his mother´s silver compact they filled with rat poison to kill the other tributes, and snows white handkerchief he gave the snakes to be familiar with Lucys scent.
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए