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Polynesian Voyagers

Captain James Cook

The Kingdom of Hawaii

Bayonet Constitution

Pearl Harbor

Polynesian voyagers first arrive in Hawaii, establishing the indigenous Hawaiian culture and society.

Captain James Cook lands on the island of Kauai, marking the first documented European contact with Hawaii.

Kamehameha I, after years of conflict, unifies the Hawaiian Islands under his rule, establishing the Kingdom of Hawaii.

The Bayonet Constitution is forced upon King Kalakaua by American and European businessmen, diminishing the monarch's power and paving the way for increased foreign influence.

The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese leads to the United States' entry into World War II and has a profound impact on Hawaii.

Historical Events: Hawaii

Mon Jan 01 0300 4:56:02 صباحاThu Jan 01 1778 4:56:02 صباحاMon Jan 01 1810 4:56:02 صباحاSat Jan 01 1887 5:00:00 صباحاWed Jan 01 1941 5:00:00 صباحاعنوان تفسيرياستراحة الساعة1509 سنوات و 353 أيام
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