HEOROT this hall was name, and many an hour the clansmen spent there in cheer and revel, till there came an evil guest within the walls.
Grendel was his name and he dwelt among the moors and fens. He was an accursed race, and he had long lived in jealous exile from the lands of men
In the days of old, the House of the Scyldings ruled in Denmark. The first of the line was Scyld, whom men called Son of the Shead because he came no man knew whence, as a little child, in a bot with a sheaf of corn, floating on mighty waves. He grew to be a mighty man of valor, subduing the robber tribes that round him to pay tribute. A good King was he and great, and God gave him a son for the comfort of his people, for He knew in what evil a nation stands that lacks a king to rule over it.
Now, the time came that King Scyld must die, for he had grown old and feeble. So they carried him to sea, and there stood his ship, newly adorned, with sails set as for a new voyage, There in the middle, hard by the mast, did the comrades of Scyld the King lay down their dead lord with many precious things, Never was a ship adorned in more comely fashion, with warriors' gear and weapons of war, battle axes and coats of mail. With empty hands, he had come into this world, but he departed into the land of the waters with a king's treasure. And the helm they left free so that the sea might take him wheresoever it would.
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए
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