Who are you? How dare you come here?Do you not know that no one is allowed here after dead?
I will have you chained and placed in a dungeon, from which you will never be able to get out
Orpheus went into the great hall where he saw the king of the Underworld. The King became furious by seeing Orpheus entering into the land of the death and threatened him with great anger.
फिसलना: 2
You have made me feel happy with your sweet music, now tell me why have you come here?
Orpheus said nothing; but he took his golden harp and began to sing more sweetly than ever. The King became pleasant and calm hearing his beautiful tune.
फिसलना: 3
I have given you what you wanted because you sang so sweetly; and when you get back to the earth your wife will go after you
But remember that you must never look back until she has reached the earth, for if you do, Eurydice will be brought back here and I shall not be able to give her to you again
O King, give me back my dear Eurydice, and let her go from this gloomy place and live with me on the bright earth again
Now Orpheus stated that his purpose of visit was to get Eurydice back to life for which the King listed the conditions and the consequences.