One day a man got confused why all his friends were joining the army.
What he didn’t know was that Ares had done something bad to Mars. And now Mars wants the Greek’s treasures.
The Greek king is the one who is in the blue rode, the white people are the royal guards.
This is the bridge from Germany to Rome that is why Greece is trying to capture it.
Greece just captured the bridge so Rome is trying to get it back.
Greece is fortifying the bridge so Rome can’t capture it back.
This place is Sicily; Rome has just captured it.
This is Albania Rome just captured it too.
It only took a day to capture both territory’s.It only took one day to capture both territories. The next day Greece captured Sicily then captured Albania.g
This is the Roman castle Greece has all the territory’s around the castle so its just a matter of time to when they capture it too
This is their king when he’s leading the Greek army.
Now it is game over for Rome.
There are more books left in this series so text my mom to pre order them too
The next book is called the hunger games.
Now pre order it now or a spider will crawl on your head while you’re sleeping.