What are you talking about Pilgrims were horrible.
I'm so happy to have the greatest people in history.
Your people were conquerors.
You found our land and took in for your own.
Conquerors, how could you say that, we discovered America?
Then you took advantage of my people's kindness and kicked us out of our land. Not to mention killing some of us.
And the crops you took from Indigenous People's land was maintained by my peoples blood sweat and tears over hundreds of years during slavery.
I feel really bad
What you did to both of our people is unforgivable and the media portrays your people as brave adventures discovering new land.
But the only reason we did that was because of the climate and curse theory which we used to falsely justify our wrong doing .
The damage you have caused through history is irreversible, but that doesn't mean it's to late to tell the truth so this travesty can never happen again.
Please i feel so bad, what can i do to fix this.
Thank you Pilgrim for seeing the errors in your ways so we can finally close this hellish chapter in history.
Your right we all must share the truth to make the world a better place.