Allie was talking to MR.Daneils and she koded but dident know if she shouldve.This scene is important becasue this cc is a part when Allie was talking to MR.Daneils and talking about her dislexia.
“I nod but im not sure if i should”
Yeah, right. Like that dweeb would have a girlfriend. He’d be lucky to get a pet bird
Ally and keshia were being bullied and albert dident want to fight and chose vilence but he had to he changed stood up for them.This scene is important becasue it plays a big part of the story albert was shy and dident wanna fight but when his freinds were getting bullied he stood up for them.
Are these your girlfriends
Allie and Keshia thanked Albert after Albert saved them and the tq is they believe albert is a real freind and likes them alot. This scene is important becasue ally and Keshia are thanking Albert.
That was amazing. And you can fight!
Remember im__possible
MR Daneils was telling ally to never give up on trying to read.This scene is important becasue Allie wanted to learn how to read and MR Daneils gave her some words of the wiser.
Ally had alot of coins she was saving up.This scene is important becasue Ally has coins she has had or is saving up and they keep coming up in the story.
Todays a silver dollar day.
My grandpa always said that he would take me to see the Eifel tower.
Allie is telling MR.Daneils a memory moment that she thought of.This scene i important becasue ally remeberd that her grandpa said he would take her to the Eifeil tower.