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Colony storyboard

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Colony storyboard
Storyboard That

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स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • The Ohio River Valley Argument, 1754
  • The Albany Meeting, 1754
  • Here comes William Pitt, 1757
  • France and England both wanted the Ohio river valley. It was rich in resources. They both wanted it so bad it started a war.
  • The Fall of Quebec and Montreal, 1759
  • Benjamin Franklin had an idea that all of the colonies would work together against the French. But the colonies representatives said no.
  • Treaty of Paris, 1763
  • William Pitt became the prime minister of England and he sent over trained British troops to the colonies to help with the French.
  • Dictators from England, 1763
  • Quebec was almost impossible to get into but British troops went around a path and defeated the French army.
  • The Treaty of Paris is a treaty that forced France to give Canada most of Frances land.This treaty marked the end of Frances power in North America
  • Treaty of paris hhgjhlhkjhdgfgfhffhfhgffgfgfggffffhhgkgkgkhggghgghgh
  • Native Americans were furious at England because there land was being taken over by more colonists so a man named Pontiac told England. All of the colonist moved to the boarder. Giving them less freedom
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