“Your Highness, when my brother was pursuing his ancient trade, a wall fell on him and killed him.
This merchant is to blame. Heshould have built a good, strong wall. You mustpunish the wrongdoer and compensate the familyfor this injustice.”
फिसलना: 2
The owner was summoned. He came to the Palace very surprised.
This man says that it was your wall which injured his brother. Is this true?
I didn’t put up the wall. It’s really the fault of the man who built the wall. He didn’t build it right. You should punish him.My Lord, this wall was built in my father’s time. I know the man. He’s an old man now. He lives nearby.
Yes, your highness
फिसलना: 3
The king sent out messengers to bring in the bricklayer who had built the wall.
You there, did you build this man’s wall in his father’s time?
“What kind of a wall is this that you built? It has fallen on a poor man and killed him. You’ve murdered him. We have to punish you by death.
“Please listen to me before you give your orders. It’s true I built this wall and it was no good. But that was because my mind was not on it. I remember very well a dancing girl who was going up and down that street all day with her anklets jingling, and I couldn’t keep my eyes or my mind on the wall I was building. You must get that dancing girl. I know where she lives.