On their weekly walk, Mr. Utterson (a lawyer) and his cousin Mr. Enfield, come across a nice street full of bright houses. At the end of the street there is a dark mysterious house. Utterson inquires about it and learns from Mr. Enfield a story about a man who trampled a little girl on the street. This man was the resident of the house in question and Enfield told Utterson he was called Hyde. He also mentions that rather than create a scene Hyde pays off the child's family using a cheque with the name of a well-respected man.
Utterson recognizes this name and returns home to read the will of his close friend Dr. Jekyll. Jekyll had recently amended his will to say that in the event of his disappearance exceeding 3 months all of his assets should be transferred to Hyde and Hyde should also assume his position immediately. Utterson then goes to visit his and Jekyll's close friend Dr. Lanyon. When he asks Lanyon if he knows of any Hyde and his association with Jekyll, Lanyon says that he no longer talks to Jekyll due to a difference of scientific methods. Utterson then goes to watch the dark mysterious house hoping to catch a glimpse of Hyde, eventually after a few nights of waiting he sees Hyde and confronts him. Hyde then goes to Jekyll's house to inquire about Hyde but finds that he is not at home.
Utterson is invited to Jekyll's house for a dinner party after all the other guests have left Utterson and Jekyll sit down for a talk where Utterson asks Jekyll about Hyde and Jekyll's will. Dr. Jekyll says it is a private matter but he wants Utterson to promise to always help Hyde if Jekyll is absent. Utterson says that he will never like Hyde but he agrees anyway.
One night a maid sees Hyde beating a man to death. In his pocket was a letter addressed to Utterson who identifies him as Sir Danvers Carew. Utterson and Inspector Newcomen go to Hyde's home but he is not there. Hyde's maid lets them in and they search his house, where they find the other half of the stick he used to kill Danvers and a the butt of a green cheque book that survived Hyde's attempt to burn it. They decided that they are satisfied with the several hundred thousand that Hyde had to his name and decided that all they can do is wait for him at the bank so that they can get the money from him.
Utterson asks Jekyll if he heard the news about Hyde. Jekyll says that he has and he is certain that Hyde is gone although he won't say how he knows, he insists that he is sure. He also shows Utterson a letter (without an envelope which he claimed he burned before he knew the circumstances of the letter) which he claims is from Hyde in which Hyde reassures Jekyll that he is fine and has sure ways of escaping undetected, this calms Utterson although as he leaves he asks Poole if any mail was delivered today and Poole says not that he knows of which worries Utterson as he fears that Hyde personally delivered it. Later though Utterson shows the letter to his head clerk, Mr. Guest, who compares the letter to an invitation from Jekyll and finds that the handwritings are almost identical apart from the slant.
In the wake of the disappearance of Hyde, Jekyll starts to come out of his seclusion and became more social again. Utterson dined and Jekyll's for a party (Dr. Lanyon was there too). A few days later, when he tried to visit Jekyll he was turned away and was told the doctor has been confinded to the house. Utterson then goes to visit Lanyon and finds he is ill. Utterson tells him Jekyll is ill too and Lanyon replies that he no longer wants to see hear from Jekyll anymore. Utterson wrote Jekyll a letter telling him he was unhappy at being turned away and inquired about his falling out with Lanyon. Jekyll wrote back saying he agrees that he and Lanyon should no longer see each other and is sorry that he will no longer see each other and he is sorry he will now have to live in seclusion but he is still a friend to Utterson. Utterson was shocked by the contents of this letter. A week later Lanyon is put on bed rest and less than 2 weeks after that later he died. He leaves an envelope which said 'do not open till the death or disappearance of Dr. Henry Jekyll'.
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए
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