  • खोज
  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स

Easter Sunday

एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
Easter Sunday
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • On Good Friday, Jesus died and his body was taken to a tomb. A large stone was placed covering the entrance.
  • Mary Magdalene, Mary of Clopas, and Mary Salome went to visit him the following day to embalm his body in preparation for his burial
  • But when they got there, the stone was moved and Jesus was gone!
  • Jesus in the form of an angel appeared to the 3 women
  • He told them that Jesus had ascended into heaven, body and soul
  • They went back to spread the good news
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए