Did you know that communication is very important?
Uhmm, no?
फिसलना: 2
I agree!Through talk, students not only communicate information but also explore and come to understand ideas and concepts; identify and solve problems; organize their experience and knowledge; express and clarify their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Listening and speaking skills are essential for interaction at home, at school, and in the community.
Communication is important for us to understand each other. We have different types of oral texts.
फिसलना: 3
As far as I know,It is essentialfora person to understand the needs and perspectivesofhis or her audience as well (see the link below). A person has to knowhowto communicate his or her ideas in a way that will be easily comprehensible to the audience. In addition,oralcommunication is essential to forming friendships and other typesofrelationships.
Oh! Hi, good afternoon.
Do you know how important of Oral Texts for us?
फिसलना: 4
You like riddles? If you like, I'll tell you some.
फिसलना: 5
Whatever they say, communication is important. Even if it's nonverbal or verbal. There are many kinds of oral texts and all of them are functional.