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  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स

Empty Boxes

एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
Empty Boxes
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Butterflies All Around
  • We begin introducing Leyson and Sara little to know anything about each other.
  • Au Revior Papa! I am going to surprise Maman!
  • Okay, don’t be out too late.
  • Yes Mother, I will be with Mrs. Blum for 1 hour.
  • Remember, ask Mrs. Blum to give you your review work. And, stop by the market to pick up more bread and butter.
  • Sara prepares to suprise her mother
  • Merci, Monsieur Verdi!
  • He thanks her
  • Anytime Sara!
  • Leyson is on his way to school
  • Okay, Mother said to ask for review work, go to the market and come home.
  • Leyson enters the school, but no one is there
  • Hello? Is anyone here?
  • Mrs. Blum appears
  • Bonjour, Leyson! Como ca va?
  • Sare accidentally bumps into Leyson
  • I’m good, How are...AAHHH!
  • I am so sorry Monsieur, are you alright?
  • Sara is properly introduced to Leyson
  • Leyson, This is my daughter Sara. Sara, this is Leyson.
  • Yes, I’m fine!
  • Ah, Yes! Mrs. Blum always talks about you and your doodles.
  • Sara, what are you doing here!
  • Mrs. Blum is suprised by her gift
  • Thank you ma cherie. I will be right back to find a vase for this.
  • Oh right, I wanted to surprise you with this!
  • Leyson and Sara plan to see each other again
  • Your mom is a great tutor. You are like Mathematics Royalty.
  • Alright. Would you like to go to the park tommorow
  • Sure!
  • Thank you. Well, I must go home now. I have some more errands to run.
  • The next day, Sara and Leyson meet in an open feild
  • Hi Sara!
  • I know it sounds silly but, the papillon led me here. It is quite beautiful.
  • Oh my goodness! The same happened to me.
  • Bonjour Leyson!
  • They get to know each other better
  • Hahaha, I’m telling you, you bumped me first!
  • No, you did! Hahaha
  • Sadly, harsh exchanges are made and they both storm off
  • You’ve sat next to Tortue your whole life and haven't talked to him?
  • Oh please! You are too afraid to try to do anything that you talk yourself out of it before you do it.
  • Still upset with each other they refuse to speak to one another
  • Then, they wonder if their statements about each other are true
  • I will talk to Tortue... someday.
  • She is wrong about me. I am not scared.
  • Their butterflies come hobbling in and seem terribly hurt and sad
  • MY PAPILLON! What happened to you? Where can I find help in the middle of the night?!
  • They contact each other and meet in an agreed spot
  • Well, it led us both to the open field before, maybe that is where it is strongest at.
  • Well, it’s worth a try!
  • What can we do?
  • Their plan worked! Only because they found happiness with one another
  • I’m so sorry Sara, I..
  • No, I’m so sorry Leyson. I will talk to Tortue.
  • The next day they try to do better
  • Bonjour Tortue!
  • Oh, Hi Sara!
  • And to try new things
  • Positive!
  • Are you sure honey?
  • Their butterflies are now flourishing
  • I think we should name them Nadine et Changment.
  • I love it! Hope and Change, both things we have learned from them
  • Sara and Leyson decide to build a butterfly garden
  • It has been years since they last saw each other, but one day...
  • My goodness! Hello Leyson
  • Well I'll be! Bonjour, old friend
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए