rfrfBrandon, awakening from his slumber, stood- or for a better word- hovered a figure in front of him. The ghastly creature reminded him of his father, yet the lower half of him was missing; as if replaced with some ghastly smoke as legs.
You're legs are missing! It's so scary but also super intriguing and everything, it's kinda grotesque and gothic in a way!
Learn from me! Everything you've done, you've done with gusto! And that's a good thing! However you have become lazy and are starting to do the minimum work necessary! You will be haunted by 3 ghosts in hopes that you will remember the way you used to be, and will take pride in doing the extra 10% to make something you're proud of, not something that is mediocre.
Son, listen to me. You may have a chance to save yourself. I've realized I have never lived to my fullest, but maybe you will learn from my mistakes.
At the departure of the first ghost, a second ghost appears in the figure of an elderly form of Brandon; as if prepared to venture into the world of business. However, this old man brings the protagonist to see a child sitting in front of a monitor screen, working on a flipgrid for a school project. The child shows signs of stress while working excessively on the project late into the night.
Oh look at us then, so young and ambitious! We stayed up so late on that flipgrid, did we not? We put in that extra 10%, and that was all we needed to win the flipgrid contest you had in 7th grade Mrs. Simons class. You were even treated with IHOP from that. Why, I wish I still had that vigor in my mind and soul.
a skull candle. morbid, yet cool. grotesque. Also death. Gothic!
The next spirit, the ghost of Christmas present, took the form of Brandon's classmate Anny, who brought Brandon into his English classroom. As they traveled into the room, they felt the floor beneath them grow- or was it them shrinking? By the time the bell rang, the ghost and Brandon were the sizes of small garden gnomes compared to the students and stools. Everyone in the classroom has their projects finished, with unique stories, detailed comics, and clear gothic images. However, Brandon resides in the corner, crying as he receives a C for doing the smallest effort possible on his project.
How are we this small? No, there must be a logical solution to this very illogical thing! Perhaps the room grew instead!
I got an A!
Take a look, Brandon. Everyone is getting A's and good grades. Their projects are fabulous. Back then, you would have hand drawn something and put in so much work. Instead, you put your grades in jeopardy by having weak examples of Gothic elements, a lackluster story, and the characters aren't even edited!
I got C?!?!?
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए
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