My research has already received ethical approval from the National Department of Health Research Ethics Committee; all we need to do is bring consent forms along when we go data collection, and let participants know that their privacy will be protected before they give their consent.
I shall see to it that any consent-related documents are properly filed and stored.
Before they sign, I will show the participants the forms and walk them through.
I will type up the concerned forms and print enough copies.
फिसलना: 2
The next step is to determine how we will gather information and interpret it. It would be ideal if we could use a variety of sources, including observation, interviews, reading through previously published documents, and social media blogs. This is because there have been rumors floating around, and we can not afford to avoid learning as much as we can about this topic from a variety of sources.
I agree; as we can not be everywhere at once, we might divide up the data collection duties amongst ourselves.