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Module 5: Lifestyle Guidelines

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Module 5: Lifestyle Guidelines
Storyboard That

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स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Lifetime wellness is how well you keep yourself for your whole life. Some of the main things that pertain to lifetime wellness is, your body type and body composition. Also, some other things are injury prevention and different common injuries. Lifetime wellness should also include cardiovascular training, resistance training, and flexibility training. You need to make sure that you keep up with all of these different things so that you can have a good lifetime wellness.
  • Lifetime Wellness
  • To begin with, there are three different body types. There is the ectomorph type, the endomorph type, and the mesomorph type. Each body type is different in there own ways. If you have an ectomorph body type you are slender and a little on the built side. You probably have lower body fat percentage, smaller bones, and a small amount of muscle mass. You look more lean with long arms and legs. If you have an endomorph body you are probably on the larger size. You usually have a higher body fat percentage, larger bones, and a small amount of muscle mass. You look to have a round face, with a shorter neck, and wider hips. Lastly, if you are the mesomorph body type you muscular look. You might have a low to medium percentage of body fat, medium to large bones, and a high amount of muscle mass. You appear muscular and well proportioned.
  • The Three Different Body Types
  • Body fat composition is the percentage of fat, bone, muscle, and water that is in your body. To have a healthy body composition you need to have a low percentage of fat in your body. If you have a high body fat composition you are at risk for many different things. This includes high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. If you have a lower percentage of body fat you are at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. You may have a higher chance of having high metabolism, stronger bones, living longer, and you can prevent certain diseases. You are also at a lower risk of getting type two diabetes. If you are having troubles with your body fat composition then there is this thing called caloric balance. Caloric balance is when you consume a certain amount of calories and then burn off that same amount that you just consumed. This will help with your body fat.
  • Body Fat Composition
  • There are many different ways to prevent yourself from getting hurt when exercising. The two most common ways are a warm up and a cool down. A warm up is when you are doing a small exercises that gets your blood pumping. This involves stretching muscles that you are going to be working with in your work out. You could also do some jogging or cycling for six to twelve minutes. Next, is the cool down method. This slows down your heart rate back to normal. You can walk or cycle at a low pace for five to ten minutes.
  • How To Prevent Getting Injured
  • The most common injuries from working out are muscle strains, muscle sprains, blisters, and shine sprints. There are many different symptoms for each of them like swelling or pain. Today we are going to talk about muscle strains and how to treat them. It is called the RICE method. Each letter means a different thing. R is for rest, I is for ice, C is for compression, and E is for elevation. Rest means to rest and protect the hurt area. You need to take a break from the workout that caused the injury. Ice means to put ice on the injured area for ten minutes three times a day. The ice will help with the swelling. I thing to remember when putting ice on an injured area you can not put it directly on your skin. you should rap it up with a cloth or a paper towel. Next, is compression. You should wrap the area with an ACE bandage. Don't wrap it too tightly because it might affect other areas. Lastly, is elevation. You should elevate the area with a pillow or a blanket to help with swelling.
  • Common Injuries And The RICE Method
  • In conclusion, lifetime wellness is really important. There are many different factors to lifetime wellness and they are all important to learn about. These different factors include body type, body fat composition, preventing injuries, common injuries, and the RICE method. It is best if you learn about these things so that you can live longer and prevent some diseases. That is why all of the factors of lifetime health are extremely important.
  • Conclusion 
  • You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2020, from https://ccsd.instructure.com/courses/1361662/pages/m5-lesson-1-lifetime-wellness?module_item_id=15747406You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2020, from https://ccsd.instructure.com/courses/1361662/pages/m5-lesson-3-body-types?module_item_id=15747428You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2020, from https://ccsd.instructure.com/courses/1361662/pages/m5-lesson-4-body-composition?module_item_id=15747438You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2020, from https://ccsd.instructure.com/courses/1361662/pages/m5-lesson-5-injury-prevention-during-activity?module_item_id=15747447You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2020, from https://ccsd.instructure.com/courses/1361662/pages/m5-lesson-6-common-injuries?module_item_id=15747454
  • Citation Page
  • All of the images used in the project are from(n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2020, from https://www.storyboardthat.com/privateboards/91ba0e59/lifestyle-guidelines/edit
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