  • खोज
  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स


एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Instead of making fun of him, let's find out what he is felling now. Maybe he is sick or hungry.
  • Hey! What are you doing there? Don't you see that he's old man already?
  • Ok. Let's treat him as how we treat the elders and our parents.
  • Yes, let's stop bullying him. Lets help him.
  • Come everyone and lets help him. Is it ok for you all?
  • And I will bring him some clothes.
  • That's right. We could help him by doing good things for him. He is also a son of God. Pray for him and help him always.
  • I will bring him some water.
  • I will get some foods for him.
  • Thanks everyone, it is our obligation to show our love to the gifts that God has given to us.
  • Love one another.
  • Loving others show kindness.
  • Lets be kind for others.
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए