this is a very important scene because it raises questions about if the Abigal is a god woman. they then on to question goody proctor to see if this is true.
if you do not admit it you will hang .
this is important becasue it gave Abigail the power back and proved that she was telling the truth and that she was a good person.
i saw goody hale in my dreams her soul haunts me.
that cant be right she is a good christian woman.
this is important becasue this is what eventually got john proctor hung at the end of the movie. this also troughs off Abigale because she wanted to be with him.
this is a very important scene becasue we find out what john proctor will do. at first he admits it then at second thought he says he's not a witch and is then hanged.
this is an important scene becasue this is when they start to realize Abigale is a liar.
this shows Abby running from the church. the reason she does this is that she knows they are onto her.