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  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स

Trigonometry Story

एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
Trigonometry Story
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • 8m
  • θ
  • I need to get down to Fireboy, but I dont know how far I should glide down, or at which angle?
  • First you have to figure out θ. So if we have the adjecent and oppostie side lengths we do tan-1 (23/8). So you have to glide down at a 70.8°. Next we need to find the hypotenuse. If we have the opposite side we can call the hypotenuse 𝑥 and do cosine (70.8) = 8/𝑥. Now to solve for 𝑥 we multiply both sides by 𝑥 which gives us cos(70.8) x 𝑥 = 8 and then divide both sides by cos(70.8) giving us 𝑥 = (8)/cos(70.8). So you must travel along the 24.3m long hypotenuse to reach me exactly!
  • 23m
  • We are holding Tuna captive. To retrieve him you how to figure out a way to get into the shed. We will be waiting...
  • °180
  • 160°
  • N
  • 𝑥
  • 180° - 130° = 50°z = 50°
  • C
  • N
  • C
  • 180°
  • 100°
  • y
  • 180° - 160 ° = 20 °
  • 𝑥
  • A
  • N
  • z
  • θ
  • That is an oblique triangle
  • 26m
  • Fire Boy: First we need to get from the letter to then run and hide behind the rock so the guard dogs dont see us. We need to Find the bearing of A from C. If we know the angle 160° and we continue to the line that goes vertically through C we can asuume 180°-160° = 20° is our answer. It is the same as the angle directly opposite of angle 𝑥 meaning 𝑥 also equals 20°. The bearing to A from C is 20°. Now to find the bearing of B from A (z). We know that to find angle y we must minus the sum for 100° and 𝑥 from 180°. Since the North-South line is vertical. We already know 𝑥 = 20°, so 20°+ 100° = 120° then y = 180° - 120° therefore y = 60°. The angle directly opposite y + 𝑥 = z, so now if we know y= 60° and 𝑥 = 20°, we add them together and get z = 80°.
  • N
  • B
  • Water Girl: Perfect, but how far is it from the letter to the rock (from C-A). First we need to figure out θ. If the angle opposite angle (θ - 𝑥) is y we already figure out y = 130° meaning θ -𝑥 = 130°. But to find the full θ without subtracting anything we add the 𝑥 which is 20° instead, so 130° + 20° = 150°. Meaning θ = 150°.
  • KEY:A = angle A - 150°{a} = length of side a - ?B = angle B - ?{b} = length of side b - ?C = angle C - 25°{c} = length side c -26m
  • Hint: Angle C is 25 ° dont tell my master I helped you!
  • N
  • N
  • C
  • C
  • 25°
  • {b}
  • A
  • N
  • 150°
  • That is an oblique triangle
  • {c}
  • {a}
  • 26m
  • N
  • Wait is that a bea flying? He said Angle C is 25°. We know two angles and one side, now we can use the Law Of Sines to figure out length a. Show me how to do it Fireboy... Okay so I have to travel
  • B
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए