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  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स

King David and Bathsheba

एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
King David and Bathsheba
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Im staying in Jerusalem and all my soldiers are fighting wars. I am the king so I should be with them but it's nice in Jerusalem. - King David
  • Wow Bathsheba is beautiful. I must sleep with her even though her husband is a good soldier fighting in the war.
  • Oh my goodness king David i'm so flattered you want me. Uriah my husband will never find out. 
  • If this plan does not work I am sending him back with a letter that instructs he be put in a situation that kills him. 
  • I have a plan. I will return Uriah home and he will sleep with you so he thinks the child is his.
  • Im pregnant David! Uriah must not find out because it would look bad if you slept with a soldiers wife.
  • Uriah go home and sleep with Bathsheba. Go have a nice dinner. If you do not take this letter to Jacob and do not read it. 
  • kill Uriah
  • It is unfair to the other soldiers so I will just go back with the letter you give me. 
  • King David instructed me to give you this letter and do as it follows captain.
  • Ok I will do as this letter says. Thank you soldier Uriah.
  • Place Uriah in the most dangerous situation and tell me when he has passed.
  • I wonder why David wanted to know this...
  • King David, unfortunately Uriah has died fighting.
  • Oh dang well that sucks. We win some and we lose some...
  • Oh yes!!! Let's get married and have our child.
  • Bathsheba we can get married now!! Who cares about Uriah he's dead
  • Im disappointed in my child David. He has committed many sins. He will get punished because he needs to learn his lesson. 
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए