Jen and Ava head home from school in their uniform. Ava stops at her house and Jen continues towards her house through the woods by herself. Eventually, a hooded man chases her until she gets away.
Scene 4
Hahahaha! I haven't heard anything like that in a while!
Jen returns back to school the next day after the incident in the woods. She then tells what had happened in the woods to Ava. A few hours later Ava had asked Jen if she would want her to walk home with her.
Scene 5
Jen and Ava head home from school through the woods until the man comes up and begins to chase them both. They both get away and eventually Ava suggest calling the police, but Jen decided to get the principal.
Scene 6
Jen and Ava go to the principal's office, however Jen is the one that talks directly to the principal. Jen tells him what had happened, but the principal does not take it seriously. He then passes this matter to the authorities (police)
Jen heads outside the school to call the police. When she does, the operator hangs up, but no voice was recorded at this time (suggesting that the authorities assumed that it was a prank)
Hello, Police, there is someone in the woods chasing me.
Jen confronts the man that was chasing her and reveals him. Turns out that it was strangely the principal, which explains perfectly why he pushed Jen's dilemma to the police. The princiapl (or now mentioned as Varis Anderton) explains why he chased her and why the police pushed off the phone call.