Yay!! The Allied Powers have beat the Central Powers! Also the fall of the Russian Empire and the creation of the Soviet Union. Even the fall of the German Empire and the transfer of German colonies to France and Great Britain. There was also the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire but lastly, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of new territories in Southwest Asia!
I can't believe it! France controls Algeria, Italy took over Libya and we control no territory in North Africa or Eastern Europe!
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Too bad! We are breaking up your territories and signing the San Remo Agreement giving your remaining Arab provinces to the United Kingdom and France as mandates.
No! Don't over throw me and break apart my Empire! I am losing everything!
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Me and the UK will fight our hardest to protect our trade routes to India. I am so happy to see established colonies in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Aden.
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After World War 1 the newly created nation of Iraq was made up of three provinces: Kurdish, Sunni, and Shia.
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I announce that I, Emir Faisal, after being kicked out by the French in Syria, am now the king Iraq!