Wait is that McDonald’s backdoor, I’m going to knock and ask for extra food
Would they even accept to give someone poor like me when they’re a opulent and expensive store
Hello, how could I help you?
Hello I’m homeless and I was searching for food could you please help
Sam is crying because kids from his school gibe him and says he's skinny, which makes him furious.
That's amazing! Thank you so much
Sam is tentative whether he should knock the door and ask for food, or go away with his dignity instead of being made fun of.
There are some fries, I'm sure he'll like it
Sam here asks for extras and the employee is confused.
here are some fries, hope you like them
Couldn't he augment the potion of the fries, I don't think this is going to make me full
The employee accepts and goes back to the kitchen to search for extras.
Of course, we’ve got some extras. I’ll be back soon
The employee found extra fries and will head to the backdoor for Sam, on the other handside, Sam is thankful that a calm employee answered his request.
I'm glad that guy is stolid, someother people would have kicked me out
Sam is furious of how much food he got, but he hides his real feeling anyway because he's hungry.