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Peloponnesian war

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Peloponnesian war
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अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

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स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Before the war
  • Peace?
  • Yes
  • The First War
  • Let's win this war for Athens ! Forward !
  • The First War
  • Ugh
  • Athens and Sparta decided to have Thirty year peace
  • The Second War
  • The first Peloponnesian War lasted for 10 years.  During this time the Spartans dominated the land and theAthenians dominated the sea. Athens built long walls all the way from the city to its seaport Piraeus
  • Athens Attacks Sicily
  • Although the Spartans never breached the walls of Athens during the first war, many people died insidethe city due to plague. This included the great leader and general of Athens, Pericles.
  • Peace of Nicias
  • The Spartans began to gather allies to conquer Athens. They even enlisted the help of the Persians wholent them money to build a fleet of warships. Athens, however, recovered and won a series of battlesbetween 410 and 406 BC.
  • In 415 BC, Athens decided to help one of their allies on the island of Sicily. They sent a large force there toattack the city of Syracuse. Athens lost the battle horribly and Sparta decided to retaliate starting theSecond Peloponnesian War.
  • After ten years of war, in 421 BC Athens and Sparta agreed to a truce. It was called the Peace of Nicias,named after the general of the Athenian army.
  • Truce?
  • Yes
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए