האם אתה רוצה שהתלמידים שלך יבינו את 3 סוגי האירוניה בספרות? האם אתה רוצה שהתלמידים שלך יוכלו לזהות ולהסביר אירוניה בעצמם? אז הגעתם למקום הנכון! פיתחנו כמה לוחות תכנון שיעזרו לך ללמד את שלושת סוגי האירוניה.
... Miss. Havisham always lead me on to believe it was her? After all she is rich!
... Oh no my benefactor is a convict... Bentley Drummel will laugh me out of town!
Actions that have an effect that are opposite from what is expected. In this novel both the reader and Pip expect Miss Havisham to be the benefactor because she is wealthy and always lead him to believe it was her.
Miss Havisham: "You want to be a gentleman do you? Studying with my nephew, in London? I wonder WHO could have made this happen? "
Abel Magwhich: "Pip my name is Able Magwich and I was the convict you helped in the marshes and I'm your benefactor."