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Ice Age

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Ice Age
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

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צור Storyboard משלך

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טקסט Storyboard

  • A person in their town during the Ice Age. The houses were not even this nice during the time.
  • A person with a wooly mammoth during the Ice Age period.
  • A person standing in the snow at night.
  • The Ice Age was a period in time when the global temperature dropped incredibly low to the point that ice connected most of the continents and froze over plants.
  • A person talking a walk outside during the "Chilly Age"
  • Many animals and plants died during this era, due to the extreme cold temperatures.
  • A little girl looking outside her window
  • The was snow literally everywhere. It probably really sucked when it was always that cold.
  • A couple of guys outside in their sweaters.
  • During the Ice Age, which according to the teacher was really just a "Chilly Age" where people just had to wear long sleeves and sweaters.
  • It is a little cold outside, so a little girl puts on a sweater and checks outside her window to see if it is too cold. (Probably isn't, because it's the "Chilly Age."
  • People were perfectly fine during this time period, as it was just "a couple millions years where
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