Create your own at Storyboard ThatMACHINEGUNAmachinegunisaweaponthatiscapableofrapidlyshootingmorethanoneshotwithoutreloading. Themachinegunforeverchangedthebattlefield.Thisdeadlyinventionchangedhowwarswerefoughtandit becameavitalweaponformilitarysuperiority.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatMACHINEGUNAmachinegunisaweaponthatiscapableofrapidlyshootingmorethanoneshotwithoutreloading. Themachinegunforeverchangedthebattlefield.Thisdeadlyinventionchangedhowwarswerefoughtandit becameavitalweaponformilitarysuperiority.
Invention of Machine Gun | A machine gun is a weapon that is capable of rapidly shooting more than one shot without reloading. The machine gun forever changed the battlefield. This deadly invention changed how wars were fought and it became a vital weapon for military superiority.
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MACHINE GUN A machine gun is a weapon that is capable of rapidly shooting more than one shot without reloading. The machine gun forever changed the battlefield. This deadly invention changed how wars were fought and it became a vital weapon for military superiority.
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