Gosh this is really bad, I'm glad I can fly. Let's save them!
Thanks for saving us miss!
Is that a horse?
Okay, you guys are safe! But why is the cat doing so weird?
Oh no.. I see horses! I have to get out of here! And I also(26) can't fly away!My powers don't work if there are horses around.
Excuse me! I really have to leave!
Oh my god horses! I love horses! They are so wonderful(27)!
Okay I must be safe here for some minutes, I need to call for help!
Hey Tyler, can you come to the bushybushes please? I need help! There are horses hunting for me, can you be here in 2 minutes?
Me :
This is Tyler, he's family of the Hulk, that is the reason why he's so strong. Tyler isn't a human, he is a monster, but a good one though! Is Tyler going to save Diva?
Hey Diva, I see I'm just on time! get out of the way!
You 're finally(28) here! Good luck.
Oh my god they won't stop! I cant stop them alone! I can't even stop them with my powers! But if they get to Diva she might die! She's deadly allergic to horses!
*sigh* I guess it's too late.. I can't save her on my own.. I'm sorry Diva!
Don't worry! I'll help, I followed you two, because(29) I knew there was something that wasn't right.
The girl has some kind(30) of confidence about stopping the horses! But can she really stop them?
Alright! I hope this works..
Wait.. It worked! They're standing still! Thank you!
I told you! No problem, I enjoyed doing this anyway!
No problem! Thank you a lot miss, I will keep the badge forever.
Thank you so much guys. You saved my life! To thank you, I'll give you two each a badge. My grandparents made them, if you wear them you will get special powers.
This is the end of Devil Diva in trouble! I hope you enjoyed this comic about my hero.