Come on people move we don't have all day you should be grateful that you are out this ship. You will get better clothes so you look like you are work more and people will buy you for a bigger price.
Why are they going to sell us? We aren't objects.
I will give better clothes to the one that have a higher chance chosen
You girl look strong here change to this.
I give 200$
who and how much is someone going pay for her.
200$ it is.
The slaves are being taken from the ship to a place where they will be auctioned. The girl's name was Ellen.
you will work here for the most part of they day and will get nothing out of it.
Yes, sir.
They get to a place and the people who have a higher chance of getting picked will have better clothes so they look better.
hello. I am Ellen. Do you know when we have breaks? It's just that I have been working for a long time under the sun.
hello Ellen. I am Steven. We don't have breaks in here. All we do all day is work. I'm sorry.
The slaves went to the slave auction were they were going to be sold they didn't tell them much about what was happening or were they were headed.
so we work all day. We get almost nothing do eat. This is very unfair.
yeah and if we fight back they will hurt us. There is no escaping this.
Ellen was bought by a rich man. They are now at his farm where she will be working.
The next day Ellen has to start working. She is working with a lot of different slaves that have been here long before her.
The other slave tells Ellen that there is no escaping and how they hurt them if they misbehave.