Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.
Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.
Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.
Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.
Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.
Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.
Cheiftans, I'm Menelaus, and my wife Helen is gone. Paris, a prince of Troy, has taken her. You are bound by your word to help get her back. Let's attack Troy and burn it to the ground!
King Peleus and Thetis invited every god and goddess to their wedding—except for me! I'm so unpopular because I'm Eris, goddess of Discord. I will cause drama by throwing this golden apple into the banquet hall. The goddesses will all fight for it.
For the Fairest
For the Fairest
Hi, Paris. I'm Aphrodite. If you choose me, you will have the fairest woman in the world.
I choose Aphrodite!
I, Athena, promise that if you choose me, you will lead a Trojan attack against the Greeks and destroy Greece.
I am Hera. I will name you the Lord of Asia and Europe.
We've been fighting for nine years and no one is really winning.
Now Apollo is shooting arrows at us, making our men get sick and die. We must find a way to stop this, or we must sail back to Greece.