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Vusi tells us the name of the movie

The 1st scene

The 2nd scene

The 3rd scene

Vusi is really sick

The 4th scene

Vusi and Martin are going to make a movie called The End of the World.

Vusi is acting as the narrator and Martin is in the background making sounds like a zombie.

Vusi is getting away as fast as he can before he gets eaten by the zombies.

They are using their friend Chris' shed. Chris is also helping with the movie. Chris and Vusi are going to act like they discovered the shed. Then Martin comes out of nowhere and attacks them, but Vusi shoots him with a fake gun.

Vusi's health is deteriorating, but he is determined to finish the movie.

The whole neighborhood helps Vusi with the last scene before he passes away.

I think we should make a movie about zombies.

Sure I will definitely help, my mom used to be an actor.

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One day is normal, the next day a zombie plague has broke out. It is up to you to escape.

I got to go, they are gonna get meeeee!!


Wow! This is perfect.

Look out! There's a zombie!!

We are going to finish this movie, that is all I want to do.



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