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Fort Drummer

The British Victory



French explorer Samuel de Champlain claims Vermont land for France.

The British build Fort Drummer, which becomes the first permanent European settlement in Vermont.

The British take over the land after their French and Indian War victory.

In 1777, Vermont declares its own independence. It had its own currency, president, constitution, and postal service.

Vermont was the 14th state admitted to statehood on March 4th, 1791.

Vermont History

Thu Jan 01 1609 4:56:02 RANOSat Jan 01 1724 4:56:02 RANOSat Jan 01 1763 4:56:02 RANOWed Jan 01 1777 4:56:02 RANOSat Jan 01 1791 4:56:02 RANOLegendaPrzerwa53 Lata i 0 Dni

Vermont became a state on March 4, 1791.

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