Autori jutustajavaliku ning nende vaatenurga ja perspektiivi analüüsimine annab lugejale sügavama arusaama loost, tegelastest, nende kallutatusest ja motivatsioonist. Saatja juurde naasmise autor Julia Alvarez otsustas kasutada loos kahte jutustajat, kes andsid hääle nii Ameerika kui ka Mehhiko perekonnale. Õpilased saavad luua süžeeskeemi, mis tuvastavad loos olevad kaks jutustajat, vaatenurka ja nende vaatenurki.
טקסט Storyboard
Saatjale tagastamise: Jutustaja seisukohast
First Person
Mari's chapters are narrated in the first person through letters and diary entries. Mari writes about what happens from her perspective and includes many details about her family's life that are unknown to Tyler or revealed later. Mari's chapters allow the reader to better understand her thoughts, feelings, and the full extent of her family's plight.
Tyler's chapters are told in the third person but center on Tyler's perspective. The reader learns about his family's many troubles and how Tyler feels about the Mexican immigrants that have come to help on the farm. The reader sees his conflicting emotions about right and wrong and his growth over the course of the novel. The final Tyler chapter is written in the first person as Tyler writes a letter to Mari signifying that "friendship knows no borders."