Father, what can we do? The population in the mountains are increasing and we can't gather enough food for everyone!
Hmm... I think there might be a solution...
Solution 1
Wow! Are these plains? What are we doing here? There's nothing on the plains to gather?
Well, nothing to gather yet. We will grow crops here. Collect seeds from plants and bury them in the dirt.
Problem 2
Let's think of something that could control the water, then.
Mother, the river floods every year and all of Father's crops were lost, what can we do?
The population in the Zagros mountains was increasing, and by only gathering and hunting in the wild, they can't get enough food.
Solution 2
We can use the irrigation system to reduce the damage of the flood.
The people moved out of the mountains to plains and foot hills. They started to farm instead of being hunter-gatherers.
Problem 3
Grandfather, the silt is blocking the irrigation system and we can't get enough supply of waters.
The Tigris River flood every year and the farmers lost all their crops every time it floods.
Solution 3
Wow! The cleaning of the irrigation system will improve the living conditions of everyone!
See? With everyone working together, the cleaning will be done in no time.
The people built an irrigation system to control the flood and water. Irrigation: methods of bringing water to areas of dry land through the use of canals, streams, troughs, pipes etc.
What is this for?
The silt (find sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as a sediment, especially in a channel or harbor) blocks the irrigation system. Needs to be cleaned.
Don't worry, with everyone working together, anything could be done.
The people worked together to clean the irrigation system. The people also made sure everyone had food and water in the villages.
Problem 4
Don't worry child, our city will defend us.
What are we going to do Mother? The city-states are attacking each other and we don't have enough water!
Solution 4
Wow! It felt safe to be inside the walls! And we have enough water to drink!
The city had built walls to protect its territory, we are safe now.
Solution 1: Farming.Solution 2: Irrigation system.Solution 3: Cooperation between different people.Solution 4: City-states defend themselves by building walls.
City-states fight each other to get water rights. They attack each other to fight for the water. These conflicts led to bloodshed.
City-states started to defend themselves. For example, city-states build walls to keep out invaders. City-states: a city that has its own government and rules its own territory.
Problem 1: Food shortages.Problem 2: Uncontrolled water supply.Problem 3: Silt blocked irrigation system.Problem 4: Bloodshed and war because city-states steal water from each other.