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Dress Coded

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Dress Coded
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • Sure. No Problem. I haven't told many people what happened to us so I am glad you started this.
  • Hello Fisher middle school and beyond. My name is Molly Frost and this is Dress Coded: A podcast , episode 4. Today I am interviewing senior in high school Jessica H. Thank you for agreeing to do this Jessica.
  • Yeah it wasn't good . The 1st day of school a bunch of my friends got pulled over and were asked to follow the hand book or they'd be in trouble.
  • Thank you , so tell me, what was it like back when you were in Fisher Middle School
  • Sure. So one day I was walking to the locker room to give my friend Vani a gift since it was her birthday , but suddenly I felt a finger tap me. I looked back and saw that it was Principal Couchman. He said I had violated the dress code and if I did it again then I would be in trouble. He actually used the d word , and said that our clothes a were distraction for boys who were trying to study hard.
  • Can you tell us a time when you were dress coded?
  • You are welcome. Continue doing the good work.
  • Oh wow , that sounds terrible. The Dress code has to be removed. It has caused hurt , pain and uncomfortableness  to all girls. Thank you for being part of this Podcast.
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