So one day I wasn't born then I was born inside a hospitalwith my twin sister but I came first because I'm cooler
Watching It Part 1
First time basically going to school back before yougave a sheesh about social status and or being embarrassed
Getting A Xbox One
The time I went back home after getting my first pair of glasses at a young age and I wasn't so happy with ... seeing things good because i didn't like the glasses.
Listen And Finding Shinedown
So back when IT part 1 was out I didn't like or was confided about watching horror movies but after watching It with my family on red box I realized how much like horror movies
I use to play offline games al the time like the original mw 3 campaigns over and over again but then one one of my birthdays i got a Xboxone and could play online for almost the first time but now for long periods
So back when I was getting bored of gaming and other things because i played all the time A Shinedown song was in a Apex Legends trailer and little did I know the album it came from was a mental health album and it made me realize i wasn't happy playing for hours on end. So yep Shinedown made me hate apex legends and stop playing games for long times and also making me like rock music