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Covenant House

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Covenant House
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • Hi, do you need help? Where is your family?
  • Yes, could you please help me? And I don't have a family.
  • Come on follow me.
  • Of course I can help you.
  • Thank you so much.
  • Yes, you are safe here. And they are very nice.
  • Come on, lets go inside.
  • It is a home with people who will help you.
  • But, are they nice? Am I safe here?
  • Okay.
  • What is this place?
  • I hope so. Were are the people? Is it just me here?
  • bye
  • Oh, okay well thank you for bringing me here and helping me.
  • They are around here somewhere. No you aren't the only person here.
  • Wow, It is so nice and warm in here.
  • Someone will come meet you here in a few minutes. I told them I brought you here so they know but I got to go now.
  • You're welcome bye.
  • It is, You will like it here don't worry.
  • Of course you can stay as long as you want.
  • Hello. It is so nice to meet you. What is your name?
  • It is a very nice and warm house, and I would like to stay here because I have no where else to go.
  • Ella, My name is Sam. And this is my shelter/home for people who need somewhere to stay, and get help for many reasons.
  • Hello, my name is Ella.
  • HI, It is me Ella from four years ago. I have been living at that home, and I have gotten a lot better and now I share a restaurant with my friend.
  • Hi, I'm Ella's friend. My name is Candice, we are super close.
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור