I want to give you kids every opportunity possible. I will work a second job at the cultural center so you can take extracurriculars there for free, I'll freelance and do taxes for a piano teacher so in exchange, you get piano lessons.
As the oldest child of immigrants, I was often the caretaker for my younger siblings while we were pretty much raised by a single mom who worked multiple jobs.
שקופית: 2
I was accepted into a prestigious STEM college prep high school but that meant moving out at age 15 years old and living away from my family. If I wanted to go home to see my siblings, I had to take two buses and then walk 1.5 miles uphill..
In high school, I worked hard at my grades, took 13 AP classes (and exams!), several community college courses, worked part-time jobs from sandwich artist at Subway to beta tester at Blizzard, coaching junior high track, dental clinic front desk, ops intern at Boeing, sold knives for Custco and more... I also was a three varsity sport athlete, president of our Space Settlement club and volunteered at church
שקופית: 3
I ended up at the beach for college! During my senior year, my mom lost her job. I was offered a full ride to the University of California, Santa Barbara where I studied English LCI, Computer Science and Asian American Studies. I played hockey there, founded a chapter of aKDPhi, worked 2-3 jobs to afford college.
Beginning of my third year in college, shortly after 9/11 both my parents lost their jobs and I was asked if I had enough credits to graduate early to enter the workforce to help out the family. I was 20 years old when I graduated from UCSB