hey bro do you remember that sharp rock my great great gramps had?
I made it into this batter axe its way better at chopping trees than that rock
I know I'm so smart
500 years later
yeah what about it?
I made it into something way better but first we got to go to the forest
bro do you remember that axe my great great great great great had
they go too the forest...
ok now that where here let me show you but first don't be alarmed by it its pretty loud ok?
that is amazing!
I'm such a genius
*chainsaw nioses*
isn't it amazing? it can cut through anything
there's one thing it can't cut
what's that?
*turned off*
your oversized ego
hahahaha that was a good joke
Hi! It's me Alonzo! This is the end of the project. While I was doing this I made a joke app..
so if you want to see it just ask me but I will need a computer
Image Attributions:2873541 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-doing-dab-position-near-beach-2873541/) - Tobias Bjørkli - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
ייחוס תמונה
2873541 - Tobias Bjørkli - (רישיון Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed