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Hercules and Cactus

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Hercules and Cactus
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • During a war against the native Italian tribes, the Trojan hero Aeneas goes on a journey to find reinforcements. He travels to Pallanteum (which will become Rome in the future) and is welcomed by King Evander, whose people have come to Italy from Arcadia in Greece. While Evander hosts Aeneas, he tells him the story of why Hercules is a local hero.
  • How gladly I know, andwelcome you bravest of Trojans! How it brings backvyour father’s speech, the voice and features of noble Anchises!
  • In those days first youth clothed my cheeks with bloom and I marvelled at the Trojan leaders, and marvelled at the son of Laomedon himself: but Anchises as he walked was taller than all
  • On leaving he gave me a noble quiver of Lycian arrows, a cloak woven with goldand a pair of golden bits, that my Pallas now owns.
  • When he had spoken he ordered the food and drink that had been removed to be replaced, and seated the warriors himself on the turf benches. He welcomed Aeneas as the principal guest, and invited him to a maple-wood throne covered by a shaggy lion’s pelt.
  • When hunger had been banished, and desire for food sated, King Evander said: ‘No idle superstition, or ignorance of the ancient gods, forced these solemn rites of ours, this ritual banquet, this altar to so great a divinity, upon us. We perform them, and repeat the honours due, Trojan guest, because we were saved from cruel perils.
  • Now look first at this rocky overhanging cliff, how its bulk is widely shattered, and the mountain lair stands deserted and the crags have been pulled down in mighty ruin.
  • There was a cave here, receding to vast depths untouched by the sun’s rays, inhabited by the fell shape of Cacus, the half-human, and the ground was always warm with fresh blood, and the heads of men, insolently nailed to the doors, hung there pallid with sad decay.
  • Hercules, the greatest of avengersappeared, proud of the killing and the spoils of three-fold Geryon, driving his great bulls along as victor, and his cattle occupied the valley and the river. And Cacus, his mind mad with frenzy, lest any wickedness or cunning be left un-dared or un-tried drove off four bulls of outstanding quality, and as many heifers of exceptional beauty, from their stalls.
  • So Hercules, calling upon all his weapons, hurled missiles at Cacus from above, caught suddenly in unexpected daylight penned in the hollow rock, with unaccustomed howling and rained boughs and giant blocks of stone on him.
  • As Cacus belched out useless flame in the darkness,Hercules seized him in a knot-like clasp, and, clinging, choked himthe eyes squeezed, and the throat drained of blood.
  • you young men, wreathe your hair with leaves, hold out wine-cups in your right hands, in honour of such great glory and call on the god we know, and pour out the wine with a will.’ He spoke, while grey-green poplar veiled his hair with Hercules’s own shade, hanging down in a knot of leaves, and the sacred cup filled his hand. Quickly they all poured a joyful libation on the table, and prayed to the gods.
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור