God tells Noah how to build the ark, and he also gives Noah blueprints to show him the size and proportions of the ark.
שקופית: 2
God tells Noah to build the ark
Noah i have seen you are different to the others.
God wanted to get rid of all evil and hatred on earth, so he was going to send a flood across the earth, but God decided to spare Noah and his family because they prayed for him unlike everyone else.
שקופית: 3
God Tells Noah That it is Going to Rain For 40 Days and Nights
it is going to rain for 40 days and nights
All the animals got into Noah's ark, and then God sent a big rain cloud that rained on the earth for forty days and nights.
שקופית: 4
It rained for 40 days
During those 40 days, Noah and his family cared for every single animal that was on the ark by feeding them and cleaning their pens.
שקופית: 5
God Gathers the Animals and Brings Them to Noah
God gathers pairs of every kind of animal, male and female, and brings them to the ark to be kept alive. The way God gathered the animals was by giving them the ability to sense danger and moving them to a place of safety.
שקופית: 6
God Blessed Noah
Be faithful to god noah and repopulate the earth with your kind
Okay god i will repopulate the earth in your name
God blessed Noah for following his commandments; he gifted Noah with endless food and eternal happiness. Noah and the animals went on to reproduce to repopulate the earth.THE END