Minimal perceived advantages.Low subjective risk.Deficits in information.Systemic mistrust.Spiritual or religious beliefs.
Mr Mayor the data was analysed using thematic analysis and it demonstrated the following five themes.
As researchers can you elaborate more on these themes. what do they actually mean?
Welcome Mr Mayor to the research findings
שקופית: 2
Educating the public about the vaccine
With all this information Mr Mayor we suggest, you do radio and television interview as the people trust you and see you as a credible source of information.
We need to create an information booklet in various languages about this vaccine.
I have a Television interview tomorrow prime time, I will discuss this in detail.
We need to promote it on social media swell.
שקופית: 3
This vaccination was tested in multiple laboratories and its efficacy is reported.
The public accessing vaccine information
Let me download this booklet about this vaccine. Wow it is in Zulu, my grandmother can read it swell