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  • לוחות הסיפורים שלי


צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • By Athan Papatheodore
  • From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers
  • Paleolithic Food Gathering
  • As hunter's and gatherers we had to move a lot to find food which made it to where we had temporary shelters.
  • Paleolithic Food Gathering
  • We hunted Deer and Elk and we had to travel to hunt for the animals.
  • Paleolithic Food Gathering
  • We women were usually foraging for food as we traveled from place to place.
  • Neolithic Farming
  • We learned how to farm to grow crops such as wheat and corn.
  • Neolithic people domesticated animals
  • We domesticated animals so we did not have to move from place to place to find them for food.
  • These changes are important because
  • We no longer have to move from place to place to hunt for food.
  • These changes are important because
  • We no longer have to travel long distances to forage for food.
  • Paleolithic Shelters
  • We lived in caves, trees, huts, and tepees.
  • We made tents out of mammoth bones and straw as temporary shelters while hunting and gathering
  • Neolithic Shelters
  • Our shelters were made from bricks and mud. These were more permanent shelters
  • These changes are important because
  • We no longer have to look for new shelter as we move from place to place. Our homes are now permanant
  • Paleolithic Communities
  • In the paleolithic era our communities were small, sometimes just a few dozen people.
  • Neolithic Communities
  • These changes are important because
  • We now have larger groups to help with our farming, shelter building and hunting.
  • Paleolithic Jobs
  • Spears, axe, bow and arrows are some of the tools we made to live. These tools helped with hunting animals and cutting wood.
  • Paleolithic Jobs
  • We weaved baskets using grasses and other plants. This helped when gathering food.
  • Neolithic Jobs
  • Pottery is my favorite job! I make bowls and other ceramics.
  • Neolithic Jobs
  • We Neolithic people also farm as a job. We grow and harvest wheat and corn.
  • These changes are important because
  • We live in densely built settlements in groups of 50 to 300. We even had parents and grandparents.
  • These changes are important because
  • Paleolithic Trading
  • Neolithic Trading
  • These changes are important because
  • WOW, that's a nice bowl!
  • These changes are important because
  • We can now make ceramics to eat our food and drink from. My job is important to our community.
  • We have a larger community to help with my job so we can grow large crops to feed our larger community.
  • Great! I need your spear so we can hunt.
  • I'll trade you this spear for your basket so we can gather food.
  • I will trade you some obsidian to make stronger blades.
  • I will trade you some copper for your obsidian. Mix it with tin and you can make a new metal called bronze!
  • With stronger blades we will not have to keep replacing our stone blades
  • With bronze, we can build better civilizations. Off to the bronze age!
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור