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  • לוחות הסיפורים שלי

Adventure of Juan

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Adventure of Juan
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • In a normal city called Mondstadt, a young boy named Juan possesses a special power to heal living things, however, he can’t seem to heal his own adoptive grandmother.
  • Why isn’t it working? You should’ve been healed by now. I need to keep trying. Hang in there,grandma.
  • Juan, this is just my destiny, you are doing a great job, don’t worry.
  • No..no... Grandma, please wake up! You said I was already doing a great job. Please!
  • Unfortunately, Juan's adoptive grandmother passed away after a few hours, and Juan, who can't do anything anymore, has started blaming himself.
  • Juan's adoptive family started to look at Juan as a failure. Juan started to feel like a burden to his family and continuously blames himself for what happened.
  • They're right. I'm a failure. If I were only good enough, I could've saved grandma. I should've kept trying. Am I even worthy of this power?
  • If only you weren't this weak, she could have recovered! This is all your fault!
  • A young wizard Juan has special ability to heal living things, but he is unable to heal his own adoptive grandmother.
  • Grieving, Juan left the funeral. Despite his remorse, he vowed to find the value of his power as what his grandma told him before she died. On his way out, he stumbled upon an injured cat.
  • You need to survive, little guy. I'll help you recover fast. Please, wake up now.
  • The cat instantly recovered with the help of Juan's power. Coincidentally, a veterinarian who happened to be passing by was suprised by Juan's incredible power.
  • I can't believe I saved it! Maybe grandma was right!
  • What an impressiveability!
  •  Juan has become an active volunteer in animal care organizations in the city. And just like what his grandma told him, he never stopped using his power in helping animals.
  • Juan leaves the burial to embark a new journey to find the value of his power, and he then stumbles over an injured cat on the way.
  • Juan leaves the burial to embark a new journey to find the value of his power, and he then stumbles over an injured cat on the way.
  • A young wizard Juan has special ability to heal living things, but he is unable to heal his own adoptive grandmother.
  • A young wizard Juan has special ability to heal living things, but he is unable to heal his own adoptive grandmother.
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