Asking your parents is an excellent idea! They should know whether the pages you are looking at are appropriate or not.
If your parents are not avaibable, however, try being very careful what you search or read and only click on things that you know are safe.
Okay that makes sense!
Using your technology is great but we have to do it in little bits of time, that way we don't become too attached to our devices!
That is so wonderful! But you have to remember to not spend too much time on devices because it could make it harder to do day to day things.
Awesome! Once I get home I am going to use all of these things and find all of the good information!
Prothero, Arianna, July 13, 2023. Schools Are Teaching Digital Literacy And Citizenship. But Are They Doing It Right? Education Week.!6416!3!602270476281!!!g!!utm_source=googutm_medium=cpcutm_campaign=ew+dynamic+recentccid=dynamic+ads+recent+articlesccag=recent+articles+dynamiccckw=cccv=dynamic+adgclid=CjwKCAiA75itBhA6EiwAkho9ez3xhY5d_QhTMmGBmlGgowaQs5I6QYns4T8vX8qmYPanSkRxMuYCiRoCdcIQAvD_BwE.ISTE. ISTE Standards: For Students. ISTE. State Department of Education. Kansas Standards for Library and Informational Literacy. Kansas State Department of Education.